About Us |
Judy Swain, CPE is a Board Certified Professional Electrologist and
NYS Licensed Esthetician with 35+ years of experience serving clients in
Western New York. She offers personal, individual, and confidential
services and treatment, and is referred by dermatologists.
• AEA – (American Electrology Association)
• NYEA – (New York Electrolysis Association)
• LACC - (Lancaster Area Chamber of Commerce)
Why should you choose electrology for your next hair removal treatment?
All other methods of hair removal are not permanent. Tweezing and waxing
will remove the hair shaft from the follicle, but will not destroy the
life source of the hair, thus return growth is certain. Many hairs will
be eliminated with only one treatment, but some will need two or more
treatments to achieve permanency. Electrolysis involves a series of
treatments over a period of time.
We Use All Three Modalities of Electrolysis:
• Thermolysis
• Galvanic
• Blend
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